Masterclean-店鋪清潔 天花吊燈除塵清潔

The hot summer makes everyone go shopping in different indoor shops. Fashion stores are packed with people and even personal care stores and convenience stores are crowded. In order to protect their customers’ health and maintain a good working environment, customers have come to find Masterclean. Our professional team went to Hilton Towers in Tsim Sha Tsui to clean the shop signs, window glass, shelves, and even the price tags!


Site: Hilton Towers, Tsim Sha Tsui
Cleaning Time:One working day
ServicesStore cleaning

We are familiar with regular household cleaning and office cleaning, but shops can have regular cleaning service too! According to their own needs,  customers can choose monthly or quarterly cleaning. The cleaning range can be indicated to include air conditioners, lamp base, the ceiling, etc.

Store Cleaning-Our company provides customers with various disinfection and cleaning services, details are as follows:Retail/ Kitchen/ Medical Center Cleaning​, Ceiling, Exterior Wall and Signboard Cleaning, Tile & Floor Cleaning

Masterclean-店鋪清潔 外墻玻璃大面積清潔 專業玻璃清潔工具
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 天花冷氣出風口除塵清潔
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 貨架消毒清潔 員工口罩手套佩戴齊全
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 貨架消毒清潔 員工口罩手套佩戴齊全
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 收銀顯示屏消毒清潔 員工口罩手套佩戴齊全
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 天花吊燈除塵清潔
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 招牌除塵消毒清潔
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 招牌除塵消毒清潔
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 地面基本除塵去污清潔 專業儀器專業洗地機 清潔更高效
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 地面基本除塵去污清潔

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