Masterclean-空氣消毒工作空間 AHP快速霧化消毒 專業儀器

Site:Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong
Area:5000 square foot
Cleaning Time:one working day
Services:office disinfection/elimination of bacteria

Disinfection Tips

Recently, different local universities infection cases among students and staff members. Thus, the schools have arranged all-round disinfection work for the campuses although the infected people were there for a short time. However, it is not surprising the schools made those decisions. According to a research of Aalto University, aerosol particles carrying the virus can remain in the air longer than we thought. In a scenario where a person coughs in an aisle in grocery stores, the virus spreads across two shelves. So, it is really essential for any poorly ventilated areas to carry out disinfection regularly to clear any microorganisms.

Service Reviews

We are always happy to offer such services for offices. As not for the outbreak of COVID-19, most of the people will still ignore the air quality of indoor offices. Then, bacteria and mite are flooding in the air everywhere. Also, employees with allergies can easily sneeze or cough due to poor ventilation and air quality. If companies are willing to carry out disinfection work, it really will allow employees to work comfortably and safely.

Disinfection – our company offers office disinfection services details are as follows: Disinfection

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