招牌燈箱清潔服務| Masterclean

Deep and effective disinfection and cleaning are very important for medical institutions, clinics, dental medical and cosmetic centers that are the first line of epidemic prevention. There are not a few people who love beauty. Most of the customers who come to the dental clinic and beauty center will take off their masks to see the doctor, which will be threatened by the virus; and the customers who go to the clinic will come and go, and there will be cross-spreading of bacteria and diseases. Threat of infection.


Site: Hong Kong Prince’s Building
Service: Medical Center Cleaning/ Deep cleaning and disinfection services for medical and beauty centres
消毒殺菌深度清潔服務| Masterclean
消毒殺菌服務| Masterclean
清潔冷氣面蓋表面和隔塵網| Masterclean
外牆招牌天花清潔| Masterclean
瓷磚及地板清潔| Masterclean
瓷磚及地板清潔| Masterclean
消毒殺菌深度清潔服務| Masterclean
深度清潔服務| Masterclean
冷氣清洗及保養服務| Masterclean
冷氣清洗及保養服務| Masterclean
辦公室深度清潔保養服務| Masterclean
深度清潔保養服務| Masterclean
辦公室地面深度清潔保養服務| Masterclean
招牌燈箱清潔服務| Masterclean
高速洗地機清洗磚面| Masterclean

General clinics may not have enough daily cleaning staff, masterclean performs deep cleaning and disinfection of medical and beauty centers for Prince’s Building in Central and customers. Deep cleaning can take care of the corners that are easily neglected in daily life, and further disinfect and maintain them, including cleaning and disinfection of floor tiles, cleaning of air-conditioner air outlets, cleaning of front signboards, cleaning and disinfection of water tanks, etc., and air spray disinfection is also carried out for customers, to protect the health of customers and employees of medical institutions.

Medical Center Cleaning–Our company provides customers with various disinfection and cleaning services, details are as follows: Retail/ Kitchen/ Medical Center Cleaning
Household CleaningDisinfection

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