Masterclean-港島區銅鑼灣軒尼斯道500號 -店鋪空氣消毒 AHP® 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案

With the outbreak easing, shops will resume business as usual during the Lunar New Year holiday. In addition to purchasing air sanitizer, sanitizing hand rub, sanitizing spray, and other supplies, while the flow of residents has not fully recovered to the frequent state, sales stores will choose to do a quarterly or annual cleaning to welcome the guests in the New Year. Reliant to the trust of customers, Masterclean has gone to Hysan Plaza in Causeway Bay to conduct disinfection service for the customer, so that everyone could enjoy shopping more!


Site:Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay
Cleaning Time:One working day

Recently there are portable ultraviolet sterilization disinfecting machines appearing in the market. They allow us to do a good job of disinfection anytime and anywhere. It is convenient for sure, but can we depend on them? After inspecting a number of ultraviolet disinfecting devices, the Consumer Council found that the actual disinfection effectiveness would be reduced if the surface of the object was not smooth or there was dirt, dandruff, etc. The council noted that hand-held devices are difficult to ensure complete disinfection in large-scale disinfection, so it is best to find a professional company to handle.

Store Disinfection-Our company provides customers with various disinfection and cleaning services, details are as follows: Disinfection, Retail/Clinic, Air-conditioner

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