Masterclean-新界區葵涌小學 學校消毒塗層-TTA® 長效納米光觸媒消毒殺菌塗層方案

Due to multiple confirmed cases appearing in schools, the government has announced the suspension of face-to-face classes. Despite the suspension of classes, secondary 6 students and those who need to attend internal assessments for secondary school places will still return to school. In order to study safely, disinfection work for the campus is necessary. Masterclean is going to a primary school to perform school disinfectant coating service as well as disinfection. We are hoping that all students can learn well with a healthy body.

Site:Kwai Chung
Cleaning Time:One working day
Services:Disinfectant coating, disinfection

As it is about the health of students and teachers, the disinfection work for the school must be cautious. The professional team of our company will use the bioluminescence technique to measure the bacterial count and spray the disinfectant coating. From stairs to toilets, the disinfectant coating is protecting different places in the school. After the service, we will check the bacterial count to make sure of the effectiveness of the disinfectant coating.

School Disinfection-Our company offers different disinfection services, details are as follows: DisinfectionOffice/CommercialWarehouse

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