家居清潔/大掃除| Masterclean

Many people don’t want to clean after the renovation, because they have to clean the room after vacuuming. After cleaning, they found that there are many things such as the ceiling, glass, lampshade, etc. that have thick dust accumulation, and the new furniture has more thorns. The smell of formaldehyde in the nose affects the spirit and health. At this time, a professional cleaning company is needed to provide post-decoration cleaning services and formaldehyde removal services. This time Masterclean went to Fu Hang Village, Tai Po to provide post-decoration cleaning and formaldehyde removal services. sexual plan.


Site: Fu Hang Estate, Tai Po
Service: Post-Renovation Cleaning and Formaldehyde Removal Service
揮發性有機化合物(VOC)監測儀| Masterclean
除甲醛服務| Masterclean
專業除甲醛服務| Masterclean
專業除甲醛服務| Masterclean
專業除甲醛清潔服務| Masterclean
甲醛檢測| Masterclean

Renovated new homes often leave a lot of dust, paint marks, British mud and grime; and new furniture will have a strong and pungent smell of formaldehyde. Basic wiping cleaning and vacuuming alone can only remove shallow stains, and it is even more ineffective for deep stubborn stains and formaldehyde smell. Masterclean’s professional cleaning team can not only thoroughly clean the stains of floor and wall tiles, but also remove formaldehyde. We perform deep cleaning, formaldehyde concentration detection at the source, formaldehyde removal, antibacterial, deodorization, deodorization services, and finally submit details for customers. The test report is all completed for the customer through one-stop, and the customer no longer has to worry about formaldehyde.

Our company provides customers with various disinfection and cleaning services, details are as follows: Post-Renovation CleaningFormaldehyde Removal

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