Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 墻面表面清潔 專業清潔劑更放心

Site:Bright Growth Medical Centre, Nathan Road, Jordan
Cleaning Time:One working day
ServicesBuilding cleaning

The cleaning of the medical centre is important. As many clinics will hire individual cleaning helpers to take care of works like apparatus cleaning, building cleaning is not unusual. Especially when during a pandemic and everyone is busy with sanitizing anything, a place that accumulates so many clinics shall definitely go through disinfection processes. Spots like the elevators, handrails, and doors are cleaned with sanitizing detergents. Along with the cleaning of the backstair, the whole cleaning work is really comprehensive.

Medical Centre Cleaning-Our company offers various cleaning services, details are as follows: Retail/ClinicDisinfectionAir-conditioner

Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 電梯制高風險接觸面清潔消毒
Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 電梯內部清潔 專業清潔劑清潔電梯表面
Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 樓梯間扶手清潔 專業佩戴口罩手套
Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 樓梯間地板清潔 專業佩戴口罩手套
Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 玻璃窗清潔 專業清潔劑安全放心
Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 門表面清潔 專業清潔劑安全放心
Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 玻璃門表面清潔 專業清潔劑安全放心
Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 樓層指示牌清潔 手套口罩穿戴齊全
Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 電梯消毒殺菌 專業儀器
Masterclean-九龍高怡醫務中心醫療機構清潔 外墻表面清潔 專業清潔劑安全放心

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