Masterclean-家居清潔大掃除 塑膠手套安全衛生 軟布清楚油垢 專業清潔工具

Toilet cleaning – Chinese New Year is coming soon. Have you done the big cleaning of the year? Last time we have discussed the glass cleaning and today we will talk about the toilet and tile cleaning. We are going to deliver easy cleaning tricks from sayings and professional clean knowledge that can assist the cleaning of toilets and tiles.


Toilet Cleaning – Sharing of Tips

There is a lot of dirt in toilets that can’t be removed with water or ordinary methods. There are a lot of effective daily cleaning tips out there that may save you a lot of time and energy as you prepare for the Lunar New Year.

1) The faucet

Mix white vinegar and baking soda then use it to soak a paper towel thoroughly. Cover the faucet with the paper towel completely. Let it rest for about 40 minutes, and then rinse with water to effectively remove stains.

2) Shower sprinkler head

Pour diluted white vinegar into a small plastic bag, then wrap the showerhead and fix it with a rubber band. After soaking for 1 hour, use kitchen paper to effectively remove the scale of the showerhead.

3) Toilet seat


Soak paper towels with the baking soda solution and cover the outlet. Wait for 30 minutes before rinsing to effectively remove urine stains and yellow stains in the toilet.

4) Tile

Remove the stains with washing powder, toothpaste, or baking soda powder using a toothbrush. It can effectively remove yellow and urine scale on the tile.


Toilet Cleaning – Removing Stubborn Stains

Toilet cleaning is just like other household cleaning projects that require professional skills. We have found that there is a lot of specific knowledge bout toilet cleaning. When the tiles in the toilet are old, there will be stubborn stains. You can try to use toothpaste and toothbrush for cleaning. But if the stains have remained for a long time, the dirt has accumulated and is hard to remove. So what are the methods for removing it?

Recently, a highly effective decontamination detergent has shown up in the market. As long as it is combined with a high temperature and high-pressure steam gun, it can remove stains within a short time. Not only the black dirt in the tile cracks can be removed, but even the outdoor tile stains created by acid rain can also be easily solved.

(Showed as the figure below)


Toilet Cleaning – Be Careful

The outbreak in Laguna City is suspected to have caused the vertical transmission of the virus due to the chimney effect. The outbreak of the epidemic has been heard from time to time with the cleanliness of the toilet, toilet pipes, and air fan. For this reason, daily flushing should be done with dish soap or soap if possible. The cleaning material has certain sterilization and decontamination effect, which is better than ordinary water. The Department of Health recommends that toilets be cleaned daily with 99 diluted household bleach solutions.

Toilet Cleaning – Our company provides various types of cleaning services to meet the needs of customers. The latest weekly toilet cleaning service plan is launched. Compared with daily cleaning, the price is even lower. Details are as follows: HouseholdTile Floor Cleaning



廁所清潔 | 高效解決廁所清潔難題 陳年污垢快速清除迎新春

農曆 新年話 咁 快 就到啦,唔知大家做好左一年最重要 的大掃除未呢?上次同大家探討 左 玻璃清潔的小祕訣,今日就同大家講下廁所清潔、瓷磚清洗的絕技好讓 輕輕鬆鬆完成清潔任務。從民間小智 慧 、專業清潔知識,從座廁、瓷 磚一一都大家講解應該如何處理。


廁 所 浴室有很多難洗、難搞的污垢都未 必可以用清水或者普通的方法解決 , 坊間都有不少有效的日常清潔小技 巧可能對正在忙碌爲農曆新年準備的 您節省不少時間同精力。


只要將白  醋 和小蘇打粉混合,用紙巾放進去 完全  浸濕,   再完全覆 蓋水  龍 頭,靜止大概40分鐘,揭開後用 清水沖洗 就  可以 有效去除水漬。


於 小膠袋內倒入略爲稀釋的白醋,再包裹住 淋 浴 頭並用橡皮筋固定,浸1 小時後 用廚房紙,有效去除花灑 頭 的 水 垢。

3)坐廁 去污漬

在出水口處用 紙 巾 浸泡小蘇打粉溶液後覆蓋 住 ,等3 0分鐘後在沖洗有效去除廁 所內的尿漬、黃漬。

廁所浴室  瓷磚

用牙刷沾上洗衣粉、牙膏或小蘇打粉都可以有效 地刷掉污漬廁所瓷磚接縫處的變黃 、變黑情況。


廁所浴室清潔 就好似其他家居清潔項目一樣有專業技巧,小編就請教左公司入面一個  月清潔的數量可能等於我一生總和的師傅,發現廁所清潔、乃至瓷磚座 廁去污都中大有學問。

廁所內的瓷磚使用舊了,會出現頑  固 污 漬, 可  以嘗 試 用 牙 膏 、 牙 刷 嘗 試  清 洗 。但如果日子久了,污垢越 越來越深,小編就試過真係用盡九牛二虎之 力 都 清 潔唔 到。咁有咩方 法呢?

最近坊間就出左隻高效去污藥水,只 要將其配合 高 溫 高 壓蒸 氣 槍就 可 以 係短 時  間入 面 清 除污跡。不但一班的浴 室內瓷磚夾縫的黑 色污 垢  ,連室 外瓷磚最難 搞 的酸雨漬都可以輕鬆 解決。

疫 情 下  廁所清潔要更用心

麗港城爆疫,大廈E坐向單位疑有垂直傳播,因 煙 囪效應,令病毒向上或向下 傳播  。疫情爆發至今,不時聽到與廁 所 的 清潔 有 關 , 廁   所渠  管 、 抽 氣扇位等不少地方都是病毒高危位,絕 不能掉以輕心。故此,日常沖 廁 時 如果 可 以 ,應該加入洗 潔精或梘液。清 潔物質有一定的殺 菌 去 污 作 用,比起  普 通 清水爲佳。而衛生署建議,每 天用  1 比 99 的稀釋家用漂白水清洗廁所。

廁 所 清 潔-本公司因應客戶需要推出各類 型清潔服務,最 新推出每周廁所  清 潔 服 務計  劃, 相比起日日清 潔 價 錢比較低, 定 期 保 養 廁所 ,可以 做 到 消 臭、滅菌效果。詳情可 以參閱:

馬桶清潔小蘇打 洗廁所漂白水 洗廁 所  環保 思高即棄潔廁刷 廁所板污漬 廁所清潔球 馬桶清潔劑推薦ptt 馬桶清潔錠 廁所清潔劑dcard 馬桶清潔劑魚 馬桶自動清潔劑推薦ptt 馬桶清潔劑日本 潔廁餅用法 潔廁球 潔廁凝膠 萭潔靈強力潔廁漂 浴室消毒清潔劑 冰 潔 瞬 效 廁所 漂白 劑 馬桶底部污垢 磁 磚 邊 清潔 清潔洗手盆 浴室水垢清潔劑 水壺水垢清潔 馬桶水垢研磨片 浴室地板水垢 水漬清潔劑汽車 馬桶黑色水痕 清潔廁所公司 水砂紙 刷馬桶 馬桶蓋 黃 垢 餐廳 清潔用品 家居清潔 產品 漂白丸 香港 漂白水 批發 香港 紙巾 HKTVmall 橘 油 去污 膏 香港 馬桶清潔小蘇打 洗廁所漂白水 洗廁所 環保 思高即棄潔廁刷 廁所板污漬 廁所清潔球 馬桶清潔劑推薦ptt 馬桶清潔錠 廁所清潔劑dcard 馬桶清潔劑魚 馬桶自動清潔劑推薦ptt 馬桶清潔劑日本 潔廁餅用法 潔廁球 潔廁凝膠 萭潔靈強力潔廁漂

浴室消毒清潔劑 冰 潔 瞬 效 廁所 漂白 劑 馬桶底部污垢 磁 磚 邊 清潔 清潔洗手盆 浴室水垢清潔劑 水壺水垢清潔 馬桶水垢研磨片 浴室地板水垢 水漬清潔劑汽車 馬桶黑色水痕 清潔廁所公司 水砂紙 刷馬桶

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