Masterclean-新界西貢區體育館 AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案 全面消殺

Site:Tsui Lam Sports Centre, Hang Hau Sports Centre, Tseung Kwan O Sports Centre
Cleaning Time:One working day



Disinfection Tips

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated the guidelines for the prevention of COVID-19. The authority has stated that the COVID-19 viruses can be transmitted through droplets and air particles, which are the breathing process of humans. The droplets and suspensory particulars that contain the viruses can be inhaled within 6 inches distance. Thus, places like restaurants and gym centers, where people have closes contact, will increase the risk of transmission too. Also, poor-ventilated areas will have a higher risk of transmission as well. So, besides the original guidelines of regular cleaning, the updated guideline includes using air-purifiers to decrease the chances of transmission. As for large public areas, it is believed that only air-purifiers are not enough to disinfect the whole area, which disinfection service will be a better option.

Masterclean-新界西貢區體育館 AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案 全面消殺
Masterclean-新界西貢區體育館 AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案 全面消殺
Masterclean-AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案 全面消殺
Masterclean-AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案 全面消殺
Masterclean-AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案 全面消殺
Masterclean-AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案
Masterclean-AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案
Masterclean-AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案
Masterclean-AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案
Masterclean-AHP 專利高效快速消毒殺菌方案

Service Reviews

As the COVID-19 outbreak shows the sign of easing, many public facilities have reopened for citizens’ use. The news of reopening the sports facilities are cheering people up since many of them have been waiting for this moment. However, before any of our citizens have returned to the sports centers, it is time for our time to do their work. The disinfection work for a large area can ensure that the poor-ventilated centers are safe for everyone’s use.


Disinfection-Our company offers different kinds of cleaning services, details are as follows: DisinfectionRetail/ClinicCarpet Cleaning

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