Masterclean-新界區葵涌亞洲貨櫃物流中心廁所清潔 自備專業清潔工具 專業清潔劑 高效安全

As a place to take care of people’s physiological needs, the toilet naturally becomes an important place to be cleaned from time to time. Not only is it difficult for us to choose toilet cleaner, but also urine stains, limescale, and even mildew. Few people even refuse to go into a dirty toilet. However, the important task of toilet cleaning always needs someone to complete. Thus, Masterclean has gone to the Asia Container Logistics Centre to carry out a series of toilet cleaning services, from the toilet seat to the floor and then to the mirror!

Site:4/F, Asia Container Logistics Centre, Kwai Chung
Cleaning Time:One working day
Services:Toilet cleaning

From pouring coke to using white vinegar, in order to clean the toilet, everyone starts to use strange tricks. The environment of the toilet is wet all the time, it is easy to breed mold. Aside from the obvious places like the sink, faucet, and toilet seat, the tiles and the base of the toilet are important too! Once the tile gaps have mold accumulation, it is hard to remove the mold. Thus, it is necessary to use cleaners and scrub the gaps. As for the base of the toilet,  it can be scrubbed with detergent and washed with water after, which can prevent the formation of yellow stains.

Toilet Cleaning-Our company provides customers with various disinfection and cleaning services, details are as follows: Retail/Clinic, Household, Post-renovation Cleaning

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