Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 工作區域會議室檯面清潔

It’s time for regular office cleaning service! Recently, the weather has changed so much that it seems that our surroundings are not very comfortable. When the day is moisty, it is not good to the writing desk, carpet, floor and glass. So this time, relying on the trust of the customer, Masterclean went to the office of Goldin Financial Global Centre to do a big cleaning, and most importantly to provide carpet cleaning and pest control services!


Site:12/F & 13/F, Goldin Financial Global Centre, Kowloon Bay
Cleaning Time:One working day
ServicesOffice cleaning, carpet cleaning and pest control
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 玻璃窗清潔 專業清潔劑不傷玻璃更安全放心 玻璃刮不留水痕
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 地毯除塵清潔 專業儀器更放心
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 工作區域會議室檯面清潔
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 工作區域打印機清潔
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 工作區域電話聽筒清潔
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 餐廳檯面清潔 去油去污
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 洗手間清潔
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 使用洗地氈機高速清洗地毯,配合專業強效環保地毯清潔劑
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 生活區域吧檯清潔
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 工作區域檯面清潔
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 使用洗地氈機高速清洗地毯,配合專業強效環保地毯清潔劑
Masterclean-九龍區九龍灣高銀金融國際中心辦公室清潔 Masterclean專業清潔團隊更提供一站式吸塵、洗地毯、滅蟲服務!

Speaking of misty weather, office carpet suffers the most from it. In order to avoid a long-term accumulation of dust and dirt, carpet cleaning is often a major focus of office cleaning. MasterClean professional cleaning team even provides a one-stop cleaning service, including carpet cleaning and vacuuming and pest control services! Spray cleaning is generally used for office carpet cleaning, but there will also be a dry foam method for deep cleaning and even hand washing service for precious silk carpets!


Office Cleaning-Our company provides customers with various disinfection and cleaning services, details are as follows: Carpet Cleaning, Pest Control, Office Cleaning

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