Masterclean-港島區灣仔皇后大道東陽光中心 寫字樓大清潔 不論係走廊、天花、垃圾桶、樓梯 通通清潔乾淨

Want to find someone to handle office cleaning but feel that hiring a long-term worker doesn’t meet your needs? Monthly cleaning seems not necessarily needed? It’s better to try the office clean-up service! The fax machine, photocopier, window, air conditioner, etc., those which do not need to be often cleaned but can accumulate lots of dust, Masterclean can help to clean them! This time, commissioned by the client, Masterclean has gone to the Sunlight Tower in Wan Chai for office cleaning. Even the lampshades were completely cleaned!


Site:Sunlight Tower, 248 Queen’s Rd E, Wan Chai
Cleaning Time:One working day
Services:Office clean-up

In addition to the one-time office cleaning before and after renovation will choose one-time service, regular clean-up service during the daily operation of the office is also recommended. Except for the cleaning of places that people do not often make contact with, like an exhaust fan, air conditioner dust screen, lighting, a big clean-up can also reduce the workload of office cleaning assistant. Moreover, you can add more cleaning services like disinfection or flea eradication anytime. Even the calculation of service price is more straightforward and simple.


Office Clean-up-Our company provides customers with various disinfection and cleaning services, details are as follows: Office Cleaning, Air-conditioner, Disinfection

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