Masterclean-店鋪清潔 專業清潔劑 去污清潔加倍安全

Site: Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Cleaning Time: one working day
Services: Shop cleaning, disinfection

Shop Cleaning Tips

Do not want your store to become the centre of transmitting bacteria and viruses? Get a cleaning service now! Actually, bacteria can accumulate on the furnishings in the shop where we barely touch, not to mention places that we always get in touch with. A British TV show Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners has used professional devices to check the bacterial count of different things in a store. It has discovered that the card reader and shoes for displacement are dirtier than banknotes. The bacterial count of the card reader has even exceeded three times the normal standard! Thus, besides normal cleaning like wiping, regular big cleaning or even disinfection should not be missed for any shops!

Masterclean-店鋪清潔 茶几面清潔 專業清潔劑 去污清潔加倍安全
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 AHP快速霧化消毒 清潔空氣 更安全
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 專業清潔劑 去污清潔加倍安全
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 專業清潔劑 去污清潔加倍安全
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 展示櫃面去污消毒 專業清潔劑 高效安全
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 電話聽筒清潔
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 門把手清潔 安全保障
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 櫃面去污清潔 專業清潔用品 品質保證
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 細微位置消毒殺菌
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 凳仔消毒清潔
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 收銀顯示器消毒清潔
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 櫃桶專業清潔
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 專業環保清潔劑 高效安全更放心
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 貨櫃去污清潔
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 貨櫃去污清潔
Masterclean-店鋪清潔 貨櫃去污清潔

Service Review

Although people seldom go shopping due to the pandemic, but many stores are still open, especially retail shops. So, sometimes customers who want to pick up products for taking a closer look may give up due to hygienic issues. Thus, if the shop is able to carry a full cleaning or disinfection, customers will feel safer to visit the store. Also, there is no need to worry about the transmission of diseases too!

Shop Cleaning- our company offers cleaning and disinfection services, details as follows: Retail/Commercial, Disinfection

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