
Spraying disinfectant coating on buses and minibusses is normal but who can think that it can play a role on boats! The MasterClean team received a very special commission this time. It is to provide disinfection and coating services for eight ships. Anti-virus coating can help the crew who regularly enter the ship and use the ship as their daily office to provide protection for them, even at sea.


Site:Ships near Tong Chun Street, Tseung Kwan O
Cleaning Time:One working day
Services:Disinfection and disinfectant coating

I believe that everyone is familiar with the disinfectant coating service, but we do not know much about how to take care of it after the service. It is generally recommended to avoid using alcohol disinfectant and detergent to clean the antibacterial coating after service, because the protective layer of the coating may be worn down. In addition, although photocatalysts and other types of disinfectant coatings provide long-term protection, personal cleaning and disinfection are equally important. Antivirus coatings are only a basic guarantee.


Disinfectant Coating-Our company provides customers with various disinfection and cleaning services, details are as follows: Disinfection, Carpet Cleaning, Household

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