Masterclean-新界區荃灣眾安街124-142號大廈大清潔 不論係走廊、天花、垃圾桶、樓梯 通通清潔乾淨

A building standing for many years must be cleaned regularly. Although people will take good care of their own units, the common areas of the building are not lucky. The corridor, ceiling, trash bin, stairs, etc. all need to be regularly cleaned to remove dirt and dust, so that guests and visitors are protected. Thanks to the trust of the client, Masterclean went to Chung On Street in Tsuen Wan to help clean the building. Sweeping and mopping the floor are the basic, and the most important thing is to keep the building clean all the time!

Site:124-142 Chung On Street, Tsuen Wan
Cleaning Time:One working day
Services:Building clean-up

Apart from efficiency, building clean-up needs t to be able to arrange services for each customer’s needs. In addition to cleaning the interior wall, ceiling, stairs, elevators, and other public place, professional cleaning companies could arrange more in a one-time service like distributing garbage bags. Customers can even add more cleaning requirements like pest control or air disinfection. It creates a more comprehensive cleaning plan to meet all needs!

Building clean-up-Our company provides customers with various disinfection and cleaning services, details are as follows: Retail/Clinic, Tile /Floor Cleaning, Disinfection

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