Masterclean-全面清潔 天花板、玻璃、櫃面表面去污清潔

Site:19/F, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Central
Cleaning Time:one working day
Services:Deep cleaning, vinyl floor cleaning and waxing, carpet cleaning, pest control


Comprehensive Cleaning Tips

Why pest control and floor cleaning are also being carried out while doing deep cleaning? Is it cheaper to do so? Actually, besides the consideration of prices, customers often choose all-round cleaning for the main reason. It is the convenience. Try to think about four types of services that are carried out separately in four days. Then you will find out that it is not only about the time cost, the most important thing is that the whole place needs to be shut down. Especially when doing deep cleaning and pest control services, we will have to do the dusting work as well as spraying detergents. Thus, it will cost a lot of inconvenience to everyone. If we separate all services and carry them out in more days, the inconvenience created is even bigger. So, it is suggested that we have a comprehensive cleaning plan.

Masterclean-全面清潔 天花板、玻璃、櫃面表面去污清潔
Masterclean-全面清潔 玻璃去污清潔 專業清潔劑安全環保
Masterclean-全面清潔 地面吸塵清洗
Masterclean-全面清潔 櫃面表面去污清潔
Masterclean-全面清潔 櫃面表面去污清潔
Masterclean-全面清潔 使用洗地氈機高速清洗地毯
Masterclean-全面清潔 地磚表面清潔
Masterclean-全面清潔 櫃頂表面清潔
Masterclean-地毯清潔 噴灑有專業強效環保地毯去污劑分解頑固污漬
Masterclean-迷你倉清潔 木地板基礎步驟清潔

Service Reviews

This time our team has gone to a dental clinic to do the cleaning work. However, it is not just about deep cleaning, we have floor cleaning and waxing as well as carpet cleaning and pest control. Again this is our signature all-round cleaning plan! People may think that clinics are much cleaner than other retail stores, but in fact, they also need regular cleaning. Due to the need of maintaining tidy and spotless for all the time, clinics even require more attention to cleaning. Thus, carpets and the floor where bacteria can easily accumulate need to be taken care of. Also, any pests existing are not allowed in order to protect employees and customers.

Comprehensive Cleaning-Our company offers different kinds of cleaning services, details are as follows: Retail/ClinicMarble / Tile / Vinyl FloorCarpet CleaningPest Control

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